If you want to travel from Barcelona (Sants) to Andoain or from Barcelona (Nord) to Andoain Monbus is your company! Enjoy the advantages that only our buses can offer: WC Toilets, free Wi-Fi in order to be able to surf on the internet with your electronic devices on every moment, Comfort Plus seats and an individual plug for each user.
Purchase a return ticket for the route Barcelona (Sants) - Andoain as low as 55,90€, thanks to our discount of the 20% on the return ticket of the journey or purchase a single ticket at only 26,40€ showing your Youth Card.
Remember that by Monbus you can also travel the other way around (Andoain - Barcelona (Sants) or Andoain - Barcelona (Nord)) or travel to Andoain from other cities like Lleida.