Exprés.cat incorporates the line Barcelona - Vilafranca (e6) to its transportation network
From Wednesday 19th February will come into service the new line of Exprés.cat net between Barcelona and Vilafranca del Penedés. The Secretariat of Infrastructures and Mobility, Vilafranca City Council and Monbus, by means of La Hispano Igualadina have agreed on the need to add more services to satisfy the increasing demand of passengers at peak hours.
By means of this, the corridor will be reinforced with eight new lines (four to go to Vilafranca del Penedés and four to come back) from Monday to Friday, which implies an important increase of the offer. By means of these incorporations, the total figure of 45 lines are reached, from which 22 correspond to the journey Vilafranca - Barcelona and 23 to the journey Barcelona - Vilafranca, which implies an increasing of 530 additional daily seats for the travels between both towns.
The new lines from Vilafranca are established at 07:15h, 10:00h, 14:10h and 16:15h and from Barcelona at 08:00h, 10:45h, 15:10h and 18:00h. In these direct services without stops, the travel time won’t exceed 45 minutes.
In addition to increasing the frequency, Monbus, by means of the concession holder Hispano Igualadina, incorporates a new vehicle of direct service with Wi-Fi, which will involve an improvement of the quality of the user service.
On the other hand, the process of improvement of the system of information to the user continues, with the aim of developing and disseminating pocket schedules and posters, which will be installed in the bus stops. The new Exprés services will be integrated in the system SAE (The Mobility Operating Support System) and information will be offered in real time about their passing by the stops or about possible incidents.